To place foreign exchange deposit abroad without authorization and in violation of government regulations; 违反国家规定,擅自将外汇存放在境外的;
Unauthorized issuance of foreign exchange bonds in foreign countries in violation of state regulations. 违反国家有关规定,擅自在境外发行外币债券的;
An equity joint ventures shall handle its foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the regulations on foreign exchange control of the people's Republic of china. 合营企业的有关外汇事宜,应遵照中华人民共和国外汇管理条例办理。
In investing in securities the Capital in RMB acquired through foreign exchange settlement, a foreign-invested enterprise shall implement relevant regulations. 外商投资企业以资本金结汇所得人民币资金用于证券投资,应当按国家有关规定执行。
China shall eliminate and cease to enforce trade and foreign exchange balancing requirements, local content and export or performance requirements made effective through laws, regulations or other measures. moreover, China will not enforce provisions of contracts imposing such requirements. 中国应取消并停止执行通过法律、法规或其他措施实施的贸易平衡要求和外汇平衡要求、当地含量要求和出口实绩要求。此外,中国将不执行设置此类要求的合同条款。
UK welcomes and supports the planned expansion of the State Administration for Foreign Exchange ( SAFE) office in London, subject to relevant UK laws and regulations. 英方根据英国有关法律法规欢迎和支持中国国家外汇管理局扩充伦敦办公室的计划。
Personal purchase of foreign exchange refers to the purchase of foreign exchange from the bank by individual Chinese residents to meet expenses as approved by regulations. 个人购汇业务是指我国境内居民个人因指定范围用途而向银行申请购买外汇的业务。
He is a recognized authority on PRC foreign exchange regulations and PRC cross-border transaction restructuring matters. 在中国外汇法规和中国跨境交易重组事务方面也是业内公认的权威。
A joint statement said: "China agrees to allow qualified foreign companies, including UK companies, to list on its stock exchange through issuing shares or depository receipts in accordance with relevant prudential regulations." 中英联合声明表示:“中方同意按照相关审慎监管原则,允许符合条件的境外公司(包括英国公司)通过发行股票或存托凭证形式在中国证券交易所上市。”
32. The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994, designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions. ( 6) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;
Supervise the investment operations of the QFII, and report in a timely manner to the SAFE if it discovers that the QFII's investment instructions violate foreign exchange regulations; 监督合格投资者的投资运作,发现其投资指令违反外汇管理规定的,及时向国家外汇局报告;
All profits and salaries of the expatriate staff of the company may be freely remitted out of the prc, provided that matters relating to taxation and foreign exchange control shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the prc. 公司外籍员工的所有利润和工资可以自由地汇出中国,但与税收、外汇管理有关的事宜须按中国的有关法律法规办理。
A joint venture shall conduct its foreign exchange transaction in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations of the prc. 合资企业的一切外汇交易均须按照中华人民共和国外汇管理条件来办理。
To remit or take foreign exchange abroad in violation of the government regulations; 违反国家规定将外汇汇出或者携带出境的;
Standard The Over-higher Penalty on Violation Against Foreign Exchange Regulations C高;对外汇违法行为处罚标准过高问题的探讨